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Navigating Through Agency Home
Navigating Through Agency Home
Updated over a week ago

When wanting to get into your Agency Home log onto and click on Agency Home at the top of your screen. Once you click on Agency Home this is the screen you will come to. Here, you can search for an agent by name by typing in their name and clicking on Search. To add a licensed agent, click on the Add Agent button. In order to add a non-licensed agent, simply click on the Add Manager button. There, you will be able to set up a profile for each agent and have them categorized correctly as licensed and non-licensed.

In order to see individual agent's Active Enrollments, Upcoming Enrollments, Employer List, and number totals, click on the orange button where the red arrow is shown below.

Next, you will see the box Totals. This is the Agency Totals for Clients, Prospects, Employees, and Total Monthly Premiums. To the right of that, you will see the Agency Commission Reports, and then below that, you will see the License List. Here, all the agent's licensures will be listed and you can click on the Edit button to add or remove licensures and edit any additional information provided on this screen. Be sure to click on the Update and Continue button before moving on with each section edited.

If you have any questions or issues you can always reach our support team by

clicking the blue chat bubble located at the lower right corner of your benefitbay® screen.

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